My Company Name

Debi Pride

About Me — Personally

I am a wife, a mother, a grandmother, a bonus great grandmother and a volunteer.
I've lived in Massachusetts, Maryland, Maine, New Hampshire and Germany, moving 20 times.
Thanksgiving is my favorite family holiday, especially when the entire family is together.

If I read a book a day it would take over 12 years to read all the books in my collection.
Wally and I were the first to complete the Maine State Park Passport Program (in 28 days).
I would make a great philanthropist as I love making other people smile.

About Me — Professionally

Fresh out of high school I worked at H.R. Huntting Book Company.
I learned about typesetting and printing on a small AB Dick offset press.
It was the start of the next 45+ years in the field of graphic design.

Typewriters evolved to paper tape, to film strips, and finally to desktop computers.
Forty years later I earned an associates degree in Graphic Design at CMCC.
Four years later I earned an associates degree in Gerontology because I kept forgetting things (turns out it was old age)

Forms are my niche. Typically people hate doing them ... I view them as a challenge.
I love fonts and graphics, and putting them together in a way that matches the customer.
My favorite job was editing, creating ads, page layout, and proofreading.

Keep me in mind if you have something you need recreated or revised.

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